XBOX Reviews

Army of Two: The 40th Day Review

We’ve come to expect a certain level of brutality and excitement from our third person shooters, and Army of Two: The 40th Day is certain not to disappoint. Explosions all around, hordes of enemies to destroy with individually customised weapons and tactical elements to master alone or with a friend; there’s plenty to enjoy within this title. Those who played the predecessor to this game will note that EA Montreal have improved almost every aspect, removing the majority of the issues that plagued it. While some annoyances remain, The 40th Day is a strong game, sure to keep you sat in front of your console for many an hour.

The events of The 40th Day transpire over the course of just a few days, unlike the years spanned in the previous title. You’ll find yourself in Shanghai, bombarded by a seemingly inexplicable and endless stream of missiles and mayhem. Not surprising in a game in which the plot seems something of an afterthought, tacked on to break up the ceaseless action. This leads to a disappointingly short campaign and a degree of confusion as to your role in the unfolding story. Fortunately the strength of the gameplay in terms of gunmanship, movement and, of course, multiplayer modes makes up for this lack.

One particularly novel element to Army of Two: The 40th Day is the ability, inherited from the previous title, to customise your weapons of choice. A huge variety of pain schemes, modifications and even the ability to enhance or create melee attacks on certain weapons are on offer.

There are plenty of different weapons available to captivate your attention, and even the ability to steal supplies from your enemies. The 40th Day has introduced a new gameplay element in the form of supply crates for you to raid. If you’re too late in dealing with your foes and they call for backup, these crates are locked down. Deliver your killing blows early however and you’ll be like a kid in a candy store, stealing parts for your weapons and even cold hard cash.

The single player campaign mode will team you with a surprisingly good AI partner, though nothing compares to the fun of blasting through the bad guys with another real player. In fact, the multiplayer modes utilising split-screen or online play really does stand out as one of the highlights of the game. There are several different online varieties of play to fill the hours with, everything from a team Deathmatch event, to a capture and hold mode.

Army of Two: The 40th Day does suffer from some issues. Over enthusiastic AI on both the enemy and friendly sides can lead to some interesting scenarios, while a lack of control in certain gameplay elements, such as sprinting and sliding into cover, can place you swiftly into particularly deadly situations. These issues aside, The 40th Day provides an immensely playable third person shooter experience. Incredible graphics, excellent customisation options and the varied online modes will keep you coming back to your console for more time and time again.

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