Category – Xbox Cheats
Cheat Codes:To enable cheat mode, hold LB RB and press A to bring up the console window. Press X to display a virtual keyboard. Enter “TwoWorldsCheats 1” to enable cheat mode. Activate the following cheats by entering the corresponding codes. Note: Activating a cheat will disable the earning of Achievements. Where it reads [number], input a number without the brackets. Where it reads [item name], input an item name without the brackets.CHEAT FUNCTION – CHEAT CODEAdditional gold – AddGold [number]Additional experience points – AddExperiencePoints [number]Additional parameter points – AddParamPoints [number]Additional skill points – AddSkillPoints [number]Level up – ec.dbg levelupAdd skill points – ec.dbg addskillpointsAll skills unlocked – ec.dbg skillsWalk through doors and walls – PhysX.Door.RemoveAll 1Spawn teleport activator – Create Teleport_ActivatorSpawn lockpick – Create LockpickSpawn item(Note: See “Item names” to view the list of possible created items) – Create [item name]Teleport to pointer location – Jump2Full map – ResetFogChange size of 3D rendered grass – Engine.Grassq [number]Disable cheat mode – TwoWorldsCheats 0Bonus items:Hold LB RB and press A to display the console window. Press X to display a virtual keyboard. Enter “BonusCode [code]” to spawn the corresponding bonus item.ITEM – CHEAT CODEArmor Of Darkness – 9728-1349-2105-2168Aziraal’s Sword Of Fire – 9470-4690-1542-1152Great Shield Of Yatolen – 9470-6557-8820-9563Spear Of Destiny – 9144-3879-7593-9224The Great Bow Of Heaven’s Fury – 9447-1204-8639-0832 Cannot kill teammate:To disable causing damage to your teammate, get Air Magic to 15, and get Resurrection. Kill you teammate and then cast Resurrection. You will no longer be able to cause damage to your teammate.Duplicate gold:To duplicate gold, join a game with your partner and enter the trade screen that displays the amount of gold. Set the slider to the maximum amount of gold and then repeatedly tap A. When you take your gold back, it will have doubled. Repeat as desired.Duplicate items:To duplicate items, in Multiplayer mode, have one player save their character by dropping a non-valuable item. Have that same person sell all of their gear to a vendor. Then, have the other player purchase all of the gear. After purchasing the gear, have the first player go to the Xbox 360 Dashboard. By doing so, that player will not save their character. Both players will now have copies of all the items. Use this trick to stack armor and gain stats points. For example, when you add a duplicated level 10 Anathros and add it your original level 10, it will become level 20. Repeat as desire to increase its level.Duplicate weapons:To duplicate weapons, have your partner pull out their weapon. Use Disarming Shot to steal their weapon. Then, have your partner go the Xbox 360 Dashboard. By doing so, your partner will not save their character. Both characters will now have the weapon.Mixing Potions: When you take an item that increases your strength by 10 and combine it with a potion that heals 250 points, you will usually get a potion that gives you 1 or 2 strength and heals 150 points. However, if you take two items that increases your strength by 10 and mix it with a potion, you will usually get around 6 strength.Easy gold and experience:To easily gain gold and experience, find a group of bandits and lay down a personal teleport. Kill all but one of the bandits, loot the bodies, and the teleport to the shop. Sell the looted items, and then return to your personal teleport. All of the bandits will be alive again. Repeat as desired.Easy Undead ingredients:To easily get Undead ingredients, go to a graveyard and collect the glowing roots called Taint. Then, wait until it is close to nightfall, and then drop them on the ground. Back up slightly and wait until nightfall hits. The Taint will spawn Undead Ghouls, Zombies, etc. Kill them and collect the ingredients. Online sword:In Komorin, head into town until you see a man that is a trainer in a light green armor. Kill him and take all of his items, including his sword Anathros. End the game, and then repeat the process. Combine the armor and swords until you reach your desired class.Easy looting in Multiplayer mode:To easily loot in Mutliplayer mode, jump to a spot where NPCs cannot reach. Attack them with a ranged attack, and then loot them.After you kill an animal, they will come back in “ghost” form. Kill an animal and then teleport to another area. Return to the area in five minutes and the animal will have respawned into a ghost. Aggro the ghost animal, and have him chase you back into town. Allow the animal to kill the guards and then loot them.Multiple archer kills in Multiplayer mode:To get multiple archer kills in Multiplayer mode, create a game in Glacier (medium). There will two archers inside the town. While fighting archer vs archer attacks, cause knockback which resets their shots. You can easily kill them by shooting them before they have a chance to shoot you. After killing them, save the game and then restart. Repeat as desired.Item names:Use one of the following values with the “Create [item name]” code to spawn that item.altar_01barrel_01bed_01bench_01boat_01bones_01bones_02bones_03bones_04bones_05bones_06bridge_04_01bridge_04_02bridge_04_03bridge_04_04butterfly_01campobj_01campobj_02campobj_03campobj_04campobj_05campobj_06campobj_07campobj_08campobj_09campobj_10catapult_01caveobj_01caveobj_02caveobj_03caveobj_04caveobj_05caveobj_06caveobj_07caveobj_08caveobj_09caveobj_10caveobj_11caveobj_12caveobj_13caveobj_14caveobj_15caveobj_16caveobj_17caveobj_18caveobj_19caveobj_20cctaehc_01chair_01chest_01_1chest_02_1chest_02_2chest_03_1chest_04_1crate_01door _02_1door_01_1dragonnest_01dragonnest_02dragonnest_03en_bamboo_01en_bush_01en_bush_02en_bush_03en_bush_04en_bush_05en_bush_06en_bush_07en_bush_08en_bush_09en_bush_10en_bush_11en_bush_12en_bush_13en_stone_02en_stone_02_smallen_stone_03en_stone_04en_stone_05en_tree_01en_tree_01_sen_tree_02en_tree_02_sen_tree_03en_tree_03_sen_tree_04en_tree_04_sen_tree_05en_tree_05_sen_tree_06en_tree_06_sen_tree_07en_tree_07_sen_tree_08en_tree_08_sen_tree_09en_tree_09_sen_tree_10en_tree_10_sen_tree_11en_tree_11_sen_tree_12en_tree_12_sen_tree_13en_tree_13_sen_tree_14en_tree_15en_tree_16en_tree_17en_tree_18en_tree_19en_trunk_01en_trunk_02fence_01_01fence_02_01fence_03_01fence_04_01fence_05_01fence_06_01fence_07_01fence_08_01fence_09_01flag_01gallows_01gallows_02gallows_03gate_01_1gate_01_2gate_02_1gate_02_2gate_03_1grave_01house_02_01house_02_02house_02_03house_02_04house_02_05house_02_06house_02_07house_02_08house_02_09house_02_10house_02_11house_04_01house_04_02house_04_03house_04_04house_04_05house_04_06house_04_07house_04_08house_04_09house_04_10house_04_11house_04_12house_04_13house_04_14house_04_15house_04_16house_04_17house_04_18house_04_19house_06_01house_06_02house_06_03house_06_04house_06_05house_06_06house_06_07house_06_08house_06_09house_06_10house_06_11house_06_12house_08_01house_08_02house_08_03house_08_04house_08_05house_08_06house_08_07house_08_08house_08_09hut_02_01hut_02_02hut_02_03hut_02_04hut_02_05hut_04_01hut_04_02hut_04_03hut_04_04lamp_01monument_01monument_02monument_03monument_04monument_05orctent_01painting_01roadsign_01rock_01_1rock_02_1sack_01ship_01siegetower_01stalls_01_1stalls_01_2stalls_01_3stalls_01_4stalls_01_5stalls_01_6stalls_02_1stalls_02_2stalls_02_3stalls_02_4stalls_02_5stalls_02_6stalls_03_1stalls_03_2stalls_03_3stalls_03_4stalls_03_5stalls_03_6stalls_04_1stalls_04_2stalls_04_3stalls_04_4stalls_04_5stalls_04_6table_01target_01tent_01torch_01tower_01_01tower_02_01tower_04_01tower_06_01tower_07_01tower_08_01vehicle_01vehicle_02vehicle_03wall_01_01wall_02_01wall_04_01wall_06_01wall_07_01wall_08_01well_01_1Full inventory solution:After completing the quest to obtain the three Teleport Stones, you can work out a system where your inventory will never be full enough that you will miss out on valuable loot. Simply leave one of the three stones in Tharbakin. Then, whenever your inventory gets full, throw down a second stone and teleport back to Tharbakin, headto a nearby merchant where you can sell your loot, and teleport back to your previous location thereafter. No more lost loot due to a full inventory!Vitality hint:Near the Western Thalmont Node (which is the second place you meet Kira) is a location called Ram’s Cave. Inside the cave you can find ten Thuloks, four Demons, and six or more treasure chests. The chests have some loot for you to take, but the real interest is in the ten Headless Hearts from the Thuloks you kill, which will net you 74 vitality each (if your alchemy is at level ten or higher).High Level plundering hint:Once around level 20 or so, head to Ashos and accept the quest to help a woman’s sister who is in trouble. After obtaining the Key to the Temple by completing a couple other minor tasks, head into the temple itself. You must kill off snake enemies within that are pretty tough, but otherwise you’ll want to make your way towards the main chamber and steal the treasure sitting there on the podium. Stealing this treasure will cause the city to lose its protection from Orcs. When you get out, the Orcs will have killed everyone and you can loot the entire town. Combined, you should find plenty of swords (including powerful Katanas) and around 75,000 gold.Easy Cash as a Thief:For some easy cash early in the game, pick thief as your class and reach Kormorin, the first town. Get your thief?s lockpicking skill up a few levels. Begin breaking into houses and take stuff from the two houses closest to the teleporter. Then, just sell the items to the trader nearby.Achievements:ACHIEVEMENT – HOW TO UNLOCKLearned 5 Skills (5 points) – Learn 5 skills.Learned 10 Skills (10 points) – Learn 10 skills.Learned 20 Skills (20 points) – Learn 20 skills.Learned All Skills (50 points) – Learn all skills.Reached Skill Level 10 (20 points) – Reach level 10 with one skill.Reached Character Level 5 (5 points) – Reach character level 5.Reached Character Level 10 (10 points) – Reach character level 10.Reached Character Level 20 (10 points) – Reach character level 20.Reached Character Level 35 (20 points) – Reach character level 35.Reached Character Level 50 (50 points) – Reach character level 50.Discovered 10 Locations (10 points) – Discover 10 different locations.Discovered 20 Locations (10 points) – Discover 20 different locations.Discovered 50 Locations (20 points) – Discover 50 different locations.Visited All Black Towers (5 points) – Visit all the Black Towers in the game.Visited all Graveyards (10 points) – Visit all the graveyards in the game.Visited 10 Undergrounds (10 points) – Visit 10 different underground locations.Visited 20 Undergrounds (20 points) – Visit 20 different underground locations.Visited All Undergrounds (20 points) – Visit all the underground locations in the game.Visited All Locations (50 points) – Visit all the locations.Rode a Horse (5 points) – Ride a horse.Made Successfull Teleportation (5 points) – Make a teleportation.Created a Potion (5 points) – Create a potion.Created a Permanent Potion (20 points) – Create at least a permanent potion.Created a Bomb (10 points) – Create a bomb.Created a Weapon Enchancer (15 points) – Create a weapon enchancer.Created Class 2 Item (5 points) – Create an item with quality class 2.Created Class 10 Item (15 points) – Create an item with quality class 10.Opened Master Lock (10 points) – Open a Master Lock.Killed a Dragon (10 points) – Kill a Dragon.Killed a Stone Golem (10 points) – Kill a Stone Golem.Used a Boosted Spell (5 points) – Use a spell enchanced with special booster cards.Cast Chamber 5 Spell (10 points) – Cast a Chamber 5 spell.Summoned a Creature (5 points) – Summon at least one creature.Found the Relic Frame (20 points) – Find the Relic Frame in the main storyline.Found the Water Element (20 points) – Find the Water Element in the main storyline.Found the Air Element (20 points) – Find the Air Element in the main storyline.Found the Fire Element (20 points) – Find the Fire Element in the main storyline.Found the Earth Element (20 points) – Find the Earth Element in the main storyline.Delivered the Relic to Qudinar (20 points) – Deliver the assembled Relic to Qudinar in the main storyline.Destroyed the Great Pentagram (25 points) – Destroy the Great Pentagram in the main storyline.Defeated the Grand Enemy (370 points) – Defeat the Grand Enemy in the main storyline.