The Xbox has become the main competitor to the ever growing Playstation. Playstation had became the giant of the gaming world, but since Microsoft have launched their Xbox the gaming industry has, for the first time, had some competition. So do you buy the Xbox One or Playstation 4? That is the question! With the release date just around the corner, I wanted to delve into the details of how Microsoft could improve on what seemed to be a great console that is the Xbox 360!
What’s new?
The console itself is a massive 8 times more powerful than the Xbox 360. That may not necessarily interest you, so I have put together a list of games that make this console stand out from the crowd.
Exclusive games
1. Forza Motorsport 5
2. Quantum Break
3. Halo
5. Titanfall
6. Lococycle
7. Dead Rising 3
8. Sunset Overdrive
9. Killer Instinct
10. Project Spark
11. Crimson Dragon
12. Below
13. Kinect Sports Rivals
14. Max and the Curse of Brotherhood
15. D4
16. Zoo Tycoon
17. Fantasia: Music Evolved
18. Fable Legends
19. Fighter Within
20. Cobalt
Having owned an Xbox previously, you never feel let down by the console. It never fails to deliver brilliant graphics and also a fantastic online experience. Admittedly to be an online user on the Xbox it will set you back around £50 a year which wouldn’t be the case if you owned a Playstation; this is maybe something that needs to be addressed by Microsoft. The cost of owning a console and buying the games can often put people off. Many people turn to sites such as to get their fix; but playing on the Xbox One will make you realise how real gaming can feel!
If the exclusive games above aren’t enough reason for you to want to buy an Xbox yet, then you also have Fifa 14 and Gta V, two of the most talked about games around. Both the Playstation and Xbox will be fighting for customers to be using their brand of the game. Why should you use Xbox? Well for one, it’s an impressive piece of kit, but at the end of the day you don’t buy consoles for their RAM allowance or processing architecture – you buy them for the games.
Don’t get me wrong the Playstation is also an attractive proposition. It costs less, there are no online fees, the controllers are charged by USB; all these things make the two consoles slightly different!
TheXbox ones release date is 22nd November 2013 – it’ll launch in 13 markets initially, with more to follow in 2014. You can pre-order the console on some sites now!
The Xbox One has 16 times more system memory than the Xbox 360. And critically, it has as much memory than the PS4; so the scope and size of game worlds will be very much comparable. Indeed, memory space was probably the biggest limitation for game devices as the existing consoles approached end of life, not raw performance.
With the current exclusive games on the market for the Xbox One, plus games that are available on both Playstation and Xbox, it really does make you want to part with your money for the Xbox. Although your wallet (or your wife for that matter) won’t thank you, I am sure your gaming experience will make it worthwhile.