Category – Xbox Cheats
Unlockables:To unlock the following items, go to and complete the puppet show. Then, follow the corresponding directions. Collect the items in the Guild Hall, in the chest by the Cullis gate:ITEM – DIRECTIONSBook and Dye – Left Evil first option Evil third option.Doll and Tattoo – Down Good third option Good first option.Three Piece Chicken Suit – Left Evil first option Good second option.Make Fortune’s Tower glitch usable:To make the Fortune’s Tower glitch usable again, follow these steps.1) Sign out of XBOX Live2) Go to the dashboard.3) Go to the memory area.4) Put you ‘cursor’ over the memory unit Fable II/Pub Games are on.5) Press ‘Y’6) Press ‘X, X, LB, RB, X, X’7) Run the scan.8) The patch that ‘killed’ the pub games glitch will be deleted.NOTE: Do not log into Live until you have the amount of money you want, because then you will have to re-download your patch(es).Assassin’s coat location:To get the Assassin’s coat which gives you a bonus of 0.5 evil, teleport to Bower Lake, Gypsy Camp. Head down the beach until you come to a bunch of pillars. Go inside the ruins and there should be a green chest. Open it to get the shadow-black assassin’s coat.Demon Door in Bowerstone Cemetary:To open the demon door in Bowerstone Cemetary, kick a chicken onto any part of the door and in a couple of seconds he will let you in.Infinite Orbs in Westcliff Point:An easy way to continually collect orbs is to go to Westcliff point and find Ben the Thug near the Crucible entrance. Kill him to collect orbs and he will respawn. Repeat as desired.Infinite XP:When playing for the first time, you will be prompted to download a patch. Do not download the patch. When you reach Oakfield, have at least 5,000 gold and buy the first house you see. Sleep in the bed to get a speed bonus. Press start and go to the “Skills” menu. Select “Skill” and you will see that “Speed” only has one star. Press Y, A(2) to transfer experience from “Speed” into General experience. The one star you have for “Speed” will not dissapear when you do this. Repeat this until you have enough general experience to buy all skills, strength, and will skills.Inifinite XP #2:After leveling up your character a few times, insert a second controller and begin a co-op game without a second profile. On controller two, go your henchas abilites and remove all of them to return them to the experience pool. Quit the co-op game. The extra experience will be transferred to your character. Repeat as desired.Lots of Money:When you buy property you have the option of renting it out thus earning money every five minutes. You do not have to be playing the game for time to pass. Set the clock of your 360 system forward a year to earn a years rent.More Money:In Bowerstone and Old Town, purchase as many weapons as you can and sell them to the traders in Fairfax Garden. You will receive profits of around 30% and up to 70% if you own the store.Easy Experience:To easily earn experience, donate money to the Temple of Light.Knothole Island Box of Secrets Rewards:Get the following rewards at the specified locations to receive the corresponding reward at Knothold Island’s Box of Secrets Shop. Note: You must have the downloadable expansion.You’ll need the items listed below for the unique items at Knothole Island’s Box of Secrets Shop. Knothole Island is only available through through the downloadable expansion:Need: Regal Purple DyeWhere to get: Traveling Dye Trader/Clothing Trader (Fairfax Garden)Reward: Brodican MaceNeed: Crucible Peanuts(x2)Where to get: Crucible Food TraderReward: Chasm OutfitNeed: Crunchy Chick(x3)Where to get: Food/Fish Trader (Westcliff/Bloodstone)Reward: Wretcher?s BladeNeed: Lute(x2)Where to get: General StoreReward: Axe of DisharmonyNeed: Monk Robe(x1)Where to get: Oakfield Clothing StallReward: Judge?s SteelNeed: Murgo?s Big Book of Trading(x2)Where to get: Bowerstone BookstoreReward: Brodican Warrior Queen OutfitNeed: Pure Experience Extract(x1)Where to get: Bowerstone Market/Potion Trader (Fairfax Gardens)Reward: Hal?s RifleNeed: Diamond(x1)Where to get: Bowerstone Market JewelerReward: Staff of WrathNeed: Eternal Love Ring(x1)Where to get: Bowerstone Market JewelerReward: Greaser WigNeed: Marriage and How To Survive It(x1)Where to get: Bowerstone Market BookstoreReward: Knothole SkirtNeed: Pretty Necklace(x1)Where to get: Jeweler/ Gift TraderReward: Black Wheel Gang OutfitNeed: Puny Carrot(x2)Where to get:Any Produce TraderReward: Assassin OutfitNeed: Table Wine(x2)Where to get: BarReward: Cascading HairAchievements:ACHIEVEMENT – HOW TO UNLOCKThe Pooch Pamperer (5) – Play fetch with your dog, or watch another Hero’s dog play.The Archaeologist (5) – Dig up something the dog has discovered, or watch another Hero do it.The Dog Trainer (5) – Teach your dog a trick, or watch another Hero’s dog learn one.The Persuader (5) – Convince a villager to give you a present, or watch another Hero do so.The Show-off (5) – Impress a villager with a perfect expression, or watch another Hero do so.The Romantic (10) – Take a villager on a perfect date, or tag along to one. Location and expressions are all-important.The Spouse (10) – Marry a villager, or attend the wedding of another Hero.The Parent (10) – Have a child, or be there for the birth of another Hero’s child.The Hunter (5) – Kill a sweet, innocent, fluffy bunny rabbit (remember, safety’s off!)The Gargoyle (25) – Find the gargoyles’ legendary treasure.The Chicken Kicker (5) – Kick a chicken a good distance, or see one getting kicked.The Cliff Diver (5) – Cliff dive 500 feet, or watch another Hero do so.The Workhorse (10) – A Hero must achieve a high-enough chain while performing a job.The Hero of Many Names (5) – Change your Hero’s title, or see another Hero change theirs.The Teaser (5) – Make bandits respond to expressions with fear, anger, mirth, and confusion… during combat!The Property Magnate (10) – A property must be sold for twice the price it was bought for.The Rogue (5) – Steal something undetected from a building while there are people nearby, or watch another Hero do so.The Illustrated Hero (5) – Tattoo every part of your Hero’s body, or watch another Hero do so.The Executioner (10) – Sacrifice ten people in the Temple of Shadows, or watch another Hero do so.The Gambler (10) – A Hero must win 500 gold at a pub game in one sitting, having tried each game type at least once.The Bigamist (10) – Get married a second time, whilst already married, or attend the second wedding of another Hero.The Swinger (5) – Take part in a debauched bedroom party with several participants.The Pied Piper (10) – Start a party where at least five villagers are dancing, or watch another Hero do so.The Party Animal (10) – Get five villagers drunk in under three minutes, or watch another Hero do so.The Menace To Society (5) – Commit an act of public indecency, or see another Hero commit one.The Black Knight (10) – Shoot the weapons from a hollow man’s hands, blow off his head and then kill him for good!The Duellist (10) – String together a full-speed chain attack, or watch another Hero do so.The Sharpshooter (10) – Hit three enemies with one shot, or watch another Hero do so.The Archmage (10) – A Hero must kill five human enemies with one spell.The Ruler of Albion (100) – Amass a 2.5 million gold real estate empire, or be there when another Hero does.The Hoarder (25) – Collect every silver key, or watch another Hero do so.The Goth (5) – A Hero must dye their hair black, and wear a black outfit and black makeup.The Completionist (50) – Get all expressions, pet tricks and abilities, or watch another Hero do so.The Paragon (15) – Reach 100% good or evil, or watch another Hero do so.The Extremist (15) – Reach 100% purity or corruption, or watch another Hero do so.The Celebrity (50) – Reach 50,000 renown, or watch another Hero do so.The Artisan (10) – Succeed at one job to Level 5, or watch another Hero do so.The Dollcatcher (10) – Collect all the Hero dolls, or see another Hero collect them.The Muse (5) – Inspire the Bard to compose songs celebrating your great deeds.The Companions (10) – Perform a perfect co-op expression.The Double Threat (10) – Get a co-op combat bonus.The Philanthropist (10) – Send a gift to an Xbox LIVE friend, or watch another Hero send one.The Bibliophile (25) – Find all the books detailing the history of Knothole Island, or help another Hero to do so.The Whippersnapper (25) – A child Hero must collect five gold pieces.The Collector (25) – Acquire all the mystery items in The Box of Secrets shop, or watch another Hero do so.The Meteorologist (50) – Bring all of Knothole Island’s weather problems under control, or help another Hero to do so.The New Hero (50) – The terror of Bower Lake must be defeated.The Hero of Strength (100) – Complete The Hero of Strength.The Hero of Will (100) – Complete The Hero of Will.The Hero of Skill (100) – Complete The Hero of Skill.The Sacrifice (25) – A Hero must choose ‘The Needs of the Many’.The Family (25) – A Hero must choose ‘The Needs of The Few’.The Egomaniac (25) – A Hero must choose ‘The Needs of the One’.”Knothole Island” achievementsACHIEVEMENT – HOW TO UNLOCKThe Bibliophile (25 points) – Find all the books detailing the history of Knothole Island, or help another Hero to do so. The Collector (25 points) – Acquire all the mystery items in The Box of Secrets shop, or see another Hero do so. The Meteorologist (50 points) – Bring all of Knothole Island?s weather problems under control, or help another Hero to do so. s”See The Future” achievementsACHIEVEMENT – HOW TO UNLOCKThe Nutcracker (10 points) – Score 25 groin shots, or see another Hero do so. The Paramour (10 points) – Make love 25 times, or see another Hero do so. The Concierge (30 points) – Open all the Demon Doors in Albion, or see another Hero do so. The Visionary (50 points) – Take a look into the future, or see another Hero do so. The Con Artist (25 points) – Find all 10 of Murgo’s statuettes, or see another Hero do so. The Howler (10 points) – Scare five people while dressed as a balverine, or see another Hero do so. The Ghastly Jester (10 points) – Make five people laugh while dressed as a hobbe, or see another Hero do so. The Repugnant (10 points) – Disgust five people while dressed as a hollow man, or see another Hero do so. The Gladiator (30 points) – Score a total high score of 20,000 points or more in the Colosseum, or see another Hero do so. The Multiplicator (20 points) – Achieve a multiplier of 10 or more in the Colosseum, or see another Hero do so. The Combatant (20 points) – Defeat the necromancer in the Colosseum, or see another Hero do so. The Fowl Player (10 points) – Dress as a chicken and kick five chickens during the Colosseum battles, or see another Hero do so. The Colourist (15 points) – Collect the dyes hidden in Murgo’s magical items, or see another Hero do so.