XBOX Game Cheats

XBox 360 – Elder Scrolls 4, The: Oblivion Cheats

Category – Xbox Cheats

Duplicate items glitch:Get two or more of the same
magic scrolls and press X on them twice. Go to whichever item you want
to duplicate and drop it. You must have one of the items on you for it
to work.Infinite recharge w/ duplicate items glitch:Perform
the “Duplicate items” glitch on a soul gem. When an item is low on
charge you can fully recharge it without having to buy more soul gems or
doing soul trapping.Easy money w/ duplicate items glitch:Have
already completed the quest Misoga the Orc and do the quest from the
king to kill a guy of the Black Bandits taking a black bow from them.
The King will give you 100 gold for the black bow, but when he asks you
if you have one tell him no. Use the Duplicate Item Glitch with the
black bow and give it to the king. Repeat as desired.Easy stealing with Gray Fox’s mask:Put
on the Gray Fox’s mask. Steal something then wait for the guards to say
something like “So you are the Gray Fox, I am going to kill you”.
Select “Resist Arrest” and take off the mask. Exit the menu, then yield
to the guard by holding Block and pressing X to talk to him at the same
time. He will walk away and you will not have a bounty. You will retain
the stolen item.Orc merchant easy money glitch:In
the camp outside of Kavach there is a lady Orc merchant inside a tent.
Pull out a valuable weapon and hop on a horse. Try to sell the weapon
you are holding and it will tell you that you can’t, but you will still
get the money while keeping the weapon.Get Brotherhood invitation:To
join the Dark Brotherhood, you must kill somebody for no reason. Find a
hobo by a tree or behind a house and wait until night time. When they
go to sleep go into sneak mode and attack from behind. There will be
text in the top left hand corner that says, “Your killing has been
observed by forces unknown…”.Unicorn:The
Unicorn is northeast of the Inn of Ill Omen and east of the Mingo Cave
at Harcane’s Grove. It is protected by four Minotaurs. To reach it move
west/southwest from Fort Variela, which is on the coast of the upper
Niben river. If you do this you will see the Unicorn before the Minotaur
sees you.Escape from jail:To escape from
jail, you must have a very high rank in stealth. When in your cell, walk
to the jail door. crouch and wait for the guard to pass by. While he
passes and the eye turns transparent, pickpocket him and steal the key.Open doors without breaking lockpicks:Walk up to a door and Save the game. If you break a lockpick just load the saved game and try again.Level up sneak:On
the first mission for the Dark Brotherhood, when you are at the Inn of
ill Omen, go to the basement where Rufio lives. Get in sneak position
and repeatedly run against the wall. Rufio is sleeping and will never
wake up. Keep running against the wall until your sneak levels up.Level up alteration:Go
to a Mage Guild Hall and buy a lock opening spell. Find a door that is
locked. Repeatedly use the spell on the door and your alteration skill
will go up.Easy level ups:In Leyawin, talk
to some people in the streets. They will mention Rosinta Gallentus and
how her house smells bad. Do the easy quest and take the staff to
Darkfathom Cave just outside of Leyawin. At the shrine, after you drop
the staff, you can kill the Scamps forever.Ald’Ruhn: Powerful spear:Use
the following trick to get a powerful spear that has Soul Trap 1,000
points cast when hit. Go to Ald’Ruhn and start looting people’s homes on
the right side just before you hit Skar, the giant shell thing. In one
of the houses (probably the ones that are locked), you will find a
blonde woman. Kill her if desired, then go to her bed beside the closet.
There will be a spear called Buerketnhgs or something similar. Take it
and get a lot of Greater and Grand Soul Gems, as everything you attack
gets trapped.Aylied ruins: Shoot through gates:Notice
the round hole in the middle of the sliding gates in Ayleid ruins. It
is there so that you can use your bow to sweep the area on the other
side of the gate clean while the enemies helplessly bash at the closed
gate. If you see a pressure plate before the gate, jump over it. Clean
the area using the bow or spells, then step on the plate to open the
gate.Border Watch: Glass and enchanted weapons and armor:There
is a city called Border Watch, northwest of Leyawin. Everyone there has
nice Glass weapons, some of which are enchanted. You cannot steal them
while they are sleeping, but can steal their armor (mithril). The
Sheregoth shrine allows you to do a quest here. The Daedric asks you to
fulfill a prophesy. Do the quest, which include three tasks and your
done. After this, go to one of the people’s houses. You should be about
level 15. Have a good sword ready, then go in sneak mode. Hit the person
with a sneak attack x6. Do not stop and they will appear dazed. Once
they are dead you can get their items, which are worth a lot of gold. Do
this repeatedly to any house desired. Do not do it to the shaman unless
you are at a higher level. Some houses have two people inside. You can
sometimes kill one person without the other waking up, then kill the
other person.Brindle Home: Strong bow and enchanted arrows:Go
to Brindle Home, north of Skingrad. You will find a man named Torbal
The Sufficient. Kill him and loot his corpse. You will get a lot of
enchanted arrows and the Bow of Blizzards. This is an enchanted bow that
does 20 points of ice damage. If you equip this bow and the Arrow of
the North Winds, which does 60 points of damage on its own, you will
have a very strong bow.Bruma: Escaping from jail:If
you get sent to jail in Bruma, you will be in a cell with another person
named Jorundr. If you punch him once, the jailer will unlock your cell,
kill Jorundr, and leave the cell door open. You can now escape from
jail by killing the jailer or sneaking out. You can only do this once.
Note: Jorundr is a character in the “Two Sides of the Coin” quest. If
you kill him, you cannot complete the quest. Do not kill him until you
finish the quest.Bruma: Funny hero statue:Before
doing the mission where you are supposed to close the Great Gate at
Bruma (the mission just after you must go to every city and ask for
help), try to get a full set of Daedric armor. Then, do the mission in
that armor. After you have closed the gate, go back to Bruma a few weeks
later. There should be a statue of yourself resurrected as the hero of
Bruma. If you are wearing the Daedric armor at the end of the mission,
then there will be a huge statue of a Daedric Lord there, holding his
sword high. Note: The statue will be of whatever armor you wear for the
mission. For example, if you only are wearing underwear it will appear
that way.Crayfish Cave: Dead drunk goblin:In Crayfish
Cave, go to the vents then to Soggy Bottom. In the area called Soggy
Bottom is a room where a dead goblin has its head underneath the spout
of a wine barrel. On a shelf next to the barrel are 20 or 30 beers.Deepscorn: Sithis shrine and its benefits:Buy
the Deepscorn Hollow. The Ichor of Sithis will activate the shrine in
Deepscorn. This shrine will give you blessings depending upon your
infamy level. If your infamy is 0 the shrine will tell you to “Recant
your honorable nature” and not give you a blessing. If it is 1 to 20, it
gives you Call Of Sithis curing disease, fortifying health, and
restoring attributes. If it is over 20 and under 50, it gives you
Increased Fortify Health and adds Agility and Sneak boost to everything
else. If it is 50 to 90, it increases the Fortify Health, Agility, and
Sneak boost. At over 90 it increases them yet again with a powerful
Chameleon enchantment along with everything else.Fort Redman: Giant skull:Go
to Fort Redman. It is located along the riverbank southwest of
Fieldhouse cave. Once inside, go forward until you see a bridge. The
bridge should come down when you get near it, but a trap will also be
sprung. Cross the bridge and keep going straight. You should see a
statue on a ledge. If you have a high enough Acrobatics skill you can
jump up to it. Behind the statue is a skull that is about four times the
size of a regular skull.Imperial Arena: Easy completions:Get
a bow or some decent spells. Make sure you have at least 30 in
Acrobatics. As soon as the gate drops, run to your right, to where the
right gate meets the fence. Jump onto the stone piece that juts out.
Then, jump again to get on top of the little piece sticking out above
it. Once on top, turn and fire on your helpless victims. When you have
to fight mages or archers, stay on the ground and strafe behind the four
central pillars for easy kills.Make sure you are already a
Champion in the Arena. Talk to the Grand Champion about his nobility and
how he needs proof of his nobility. He will send you on a quest to
Crowhaven and give you a key. Use the fast travel system to get to
Anvil. You will then need to travel northwest to get to the Crowhaven
ruin. Beware of the skeleton archer and skeleton guardian. The archer is
easy, but the guardian is not. Just block and strike. You will
eventually kill the guardian. Once you get inside the ruin, watch out
for wolves. There will be one to the right as you enter. Just follow the
path through the ruin, killing the wolves and skeleton archers. There
will be a gate that needs a key, but the Grand Champ already gave it to
you. Unlock the gate and walk through. The only “monster” will be a half
naked man with an Elven dagger. Take your time and block and strike
twice. Do not underestimate the little dagger. Once he is dead, find the
journal. Your quest will be updated. Once you go out of the gate that
you unlocked with the key, there is a door down to your left. Beware, as
there are three vampires and one wolf. The vampires will give you a
disease. There is not anything special down here, and is an optional
area . Exit the ruin and fast travel back to the Arena. Talk to the
Grand Championand he will become extremely depressed and not want to
live. Challenge him in the arena. Talk to Ysabela about the challenge.
Go up to the Arena. Once the gates drop he will charge at you. However,
he will not attack you. He will tell you to kill him to put him out of
his misery. Hack away at him. Once he dies you will get got an Elven
longsword and Dwarven shield (heavy). Bring back his Raiment Of Valor to
get your own.Go to the Imperial Arena and place a bet with the
gatekeeper. The best amount to place is 100, as you are guaranteed to
win. Then, go through the door up to the balcony where you watch the
fights. While the announcer is giving the intro speech, Quick Save the
game. Let the fight go through. If your fighter did not win, select
Quick Load. The fight will be different each time. Repeat this until you
win the fight. This will always allow you to walk away with your
pockets full.Imperial City: Hidden bag:In the
Imperial City waterfront, in The Bloated Float, rent the room. If you
look on the table behind a jar, you should see a bag. Inside are some
jewels.Imperial City: Free house:When you first
arrive at the Imperial City, travel to the waterfront and walk onto the
boat with two pirates on it. The pirates will attack you. When they do,
run and find a guard. The guard will kill them for you and you will now
have access to the ship. It is not considered a crime to enter the boat
and you can take whatever desired. During the Dark Brotherhood quest
line, you must kill an elf called Baelin. Avoid killing his manservant,
Grom. Grom will attack you when you next visit the house. Leave the
house and run for a guard. The guards will kill Grom and you can treat
Baelin’s house as your own.Imperial City: Akaviri Sunderblade:A
great weapon that can be bought for about 4,000 gp in the Imperial City
is the Akaviri Sunderblade, with disintegrate weapon and armor 100
points each. Start off with it to destroy their weapon and armor, then
use whatever weapon desired.Kvatch: Severed head:In
the city of Kvatch is a building on the left just when you enter with a
few planks of wood leading into it. Go up the plank that is closest to
the fallen chapel and turn right. There is a small room/hallway with a
fairly large severed head on a stool that has a gash in its head.Leyawin: Horse racing:You
first need to get a black horse (for example, at the stable by
Chaydenhall). Go to Leyawin and start up the road to the right that does
not go to Bruma. Go follow the road for awhile. Ignore the small town
to your right. Go a little past the town and a woman on a black horse
should cut you off. Note: This may not work every time. You must be at
that location at 6:45 to 7:00 a.m.Rockmilk Cave: Glass armor and weapons:Make
sure you are at least to level 15 before doing this, as there will be
better armor and weapons inside. Travel on the west road from Leyawiin
and keep walking on the trail until you get to Waters Edge (a small
town). From Waters Edge, walk northwest until you reach Rockmilk Cave.
This cave is very close to Waters Edge. Go inside and follow the trails.
You will encounter some thieves inside the cave. If they do not notice
you they will fight each other. You can let them fight or join in and
have some fun hacking away. They are not difficult if you are leveled
up. Go through the cave and you will find at least fifteen people
inside. Each of them has their own set of Glass, Orcish, Daedric, or
Elven armor and weapons. You can fill up with items and sell about four
times.Skingrad: Hidden treasure:Buy the house in
Skingrad and the upgrades for it. You should have a deer head mounted in
the wall. Jump on it and retrieve the note. It should say that the man
who is writing it is being sent to the prison, but left a clue to his
treasure for his loved one. However she never found it. The answer to
the riddle is an hourglass. Go in the basement of the house. The
hourglass can be found at the top of a support beam with the garlic
hanging from it. Pick it up and you should get about seven flawless gems
and the Ring Of The Grey.Skingrad: Ebony and Glass equipment:Go
northeast of Skingrad’s East Gate to find a fort named Fort Wooden
Hand. Kill the people in here to get the full Ebony armor set and some
Glass equipment as well. You can also get some Daedric armor from the
warlord.Easy magic skills increase:Complete all the
Mage Guild Recommendation Quests to gain access to the Arcane
University. Buy the cheapest spell you can find for each of the magic
based skills (Illusion, Conjuration, Alteration, Mysticism, Restoration
and Destruction). For Destruction, a Drain Spell is recommended. Go to
where you make your own spells and select a spell. Make it so you only
use up 1 Magicka and the spell is on “Self”. Name the spell and create
it. Do this with all the other types of magic based skills then make
them all on “Self”, including Destruction. If you used a Drain spell,
when you use it on yourself it may appear you took damage but you do
not, because you drain it from yourself to yourself. Cast the spells all
the time when you are walking around or whenever possible. Your skills
will increase quickly without having to wait between spellcastings.
Note: This trick will only work if the spells are cast on “Self”. Spells
do not count towards experience unless they have an effect on
something.Easy skill bonuses:Complete all the Mage
Guild Recommendation Quests to gain access to the Arcane University.
Create a Fortify Skill 100 spell that lasts for a few seconds on self
for Mercantile and/or Armorer. With the Mercantile spell, cast it in
front of a merchant, activate them, and you will be able to invest 500
gold at their store without being a Master in Mercantile. In addition,
you can drive harder bargains. For Armorer, cast the spell and then
equip an Armorer’s Hammer. Your hammer can be used infinitely without
being a Master Armorer. You cannot, however, repair magical items
without having legitimately reached the Journeyman Armorer level.
Similar spells can be created for other attributes and/or skills:
Personality and Speechcraft for raising people’s dispositions, Security
for picking any lock, etc.Easy Acrobatic experience:To
gain easy Acrobatic experience, just jump around everywhere you go. You
can gain many levels just by jumping while moving to other
destinations.Find a place with a low roof or ceiling, or get on
top of something to make the ceiling or roof closer to you. Start
jumping repeatedly and you will hit the ceiling or roof and come down
from fast. This allows you to jump at very fast speeds depending on how
close you are to the ceiling or roof.Easy Alchemy experience:Steal
a mortar and pestle. Steal a lot of food items and turn them into
potions. It should not take too long before you reach the Master Of
Alchemy level.Get two ingredients that form to make a potion.
Use the “Duplicate items” glitch on the ingredients to create a large
number of them. Then continually, make potions and your Alchemy will
increase extremely fast. Note: Only duplicate about 100 of each
ingredient at a time or the game will freeze.Easy Alteration experience:To
get quick levels in the Alteration skill, make sure you have these
spells: Open Average Lock, Open Easy Lock, and Open Very Easy Lock.
Then, find a chest that you would have to normaly need a key or have to
lock pick. Use the opposite spell of the chest. For example, if the
chest requires the easy spell, use the very easy spell on it. Make sure
you have some Magicka potions or you can just wait an hour every time
you exhaust you Magicka supply. In no time you will have leveled your
Alteration skill dramatically.When you get the Open Very Easy
Lock spell, keep using it on all boxes, barrels, and doors even if they
are not locked. This will quickly level up your Alteration skill.Go
to the Imperial City Market place at day and enter the shops. Make sure
you have at least Open Easy Lock equipped. Enter the shops and use the
spell on the basement and living quarters doors, but do not enter them.
Then, repeat in any other shops.Use the following trick for easy
Alteration and Security experience. Note: You must have any locking
spell. Find a door that is constantly out of sight and cast a locking
spell on it. Then, unlock it with your lockpicks. Depending on your
level you will level up these skills two to three times a day (depending
on level, amount of Magika, and lockpick quality).Easy Armorer experience:There
is a woman named Arvena Thelas in the town of Anvil who has four rats
in her basement (the same as the first Fighter’s Guild quest). If your
level is high enough that rats do not cause you significant damage, you
can break into her house, annoy the rats by punching them (or casting
drain fatigue spells if your punch is too strong), then letting all four
rats attack you while you just cast an occasional heal spell. This is
also useful for raising your Block skill, and is much easier than
repeatedly causing summoned monsters to attack you.Gain access
to the Arcane University. Go to where you make spells and make a spell
that damages armor and put it on “self.” Use the “Duplicate items”
glitch on repair hammers then just cast and repair to get the skill up.Finish
the final Umbacano mission using the option of giving him the fake
crown. After the mission is complete, take the crown off his corpse. The
crown is broken and does not have a health percentage. Buy many hammers
and keep repairing it. Because it has no health you can repair it an
unlimited amount of times, raising your Armorer skill quickly.Easy Athletics experience:Get
an enchanted amulet, ring, or other item you can enchant with Water
Breathing. Make sure it is a constant effect. Equip the item with Water
Breathing then jump in some water. Swim to the bottom and just keep
swimming into the floor. Your Athletics will greatly increase in five
minutes.To master your Athletics skill, go into the corner of a
room and shut the door if one is present. Alternately, get a water
breathing ring and stay under water. Once in the room or under water,
tape the Left Analog-stick Forward, to force your character to keep
running forward. Allow the game to idle like this.Go to Lake
Rumare around the Imperial City waterfront. Swim under the water for a
bit to find a huge rock. Go as far down as you can against the rock.
Tape the Left Analog-stick Forward and allow the game to idle. Your
Athletic skills can increased by a lot. Make sure you are at a location
on the rock where you will keep moving straight into it.Easy Blade experience:Use
the following trick to master your Blade skill quickly. Go to the
Imperial Waterfront then go directly south from there. After awhile you
should find a place called Faregyl Inn. Once inside, talk to Alix
Lencolia. He will master your Blade skill. Note: You hould have at least
9,000 gold, but you do not have to do it all at once.Easy Combat experience:Use
the following trick for an easy Strength Bonus modifier and Combat
experience. Go to the Imperial City Market District near the gate to the
central circular plaza where there are ramps leading down to a pond
area. Stand in the water at the base of the ramp (not submerged or you
cannot conjure). Face up the ramp and summon skeleton conjuration magic.
It will summon behind you in the water. If it is on the ramp in front
of you just push it in the water. The skeleton will not fight back while
submerged in the water. Buy a very basic weapon of each class and set
the difficulty to very hard. Raise your hand-to-hand, blade, and blunt
skill by ten levels in total, not each one. Then rest at the Merchants
Inn. It helps if you include two of these skills as your major skills.
Each level you will get the 5 strength modifier, and can easily get to
100 Strength within the first ten levels if you start the game with
summon skeleton. Try this trick with other more powerful summon monsters
for later levels. This is also an easy way to build conjuration and if
you have the patience and arrows, Marksman experience.Easy Conjuration experience:Near
the town of Bruna, go east, southeast. If you reach The Red Ruby Cave
you went too far. You will need to go back west slightly. You should see
a shrine, that will once activated, will give you Conjuration points as
well as a temporary bound weapon and/or greaves. You can keep
activating the shrine every 24 hours. Wait in front of it for 24 hours,
then activate it again. Repeat this as many times as desired.Conjure
a skeleton and continue pressing the spell repeatedly while the
skeleton is there until you run out of magic. Then, do it all over
again.First, summon a skeleton in an area with no other people around. Repeatedly use Turn Undead on it to quickly raise it.Easy Destruction experience:First, summon a skeleton in an area with no other people around. Repeatedly use a low-power attack spell on it.Easy Hand-To-Hand experience:In
order to make this work, you must have 100% or more Invisibility or
Chameleon. This is done by either enchanting a number of armor, rings,
or amulets, or you can enter an Oblivion Gate and keep reloading the
game until you find the Sigil Stone that offers Silence and Chameleon.
After you get that stone, use the “Duplicate item” glitch and you can
now instantly enchant your items without the trouble of finding Soul
Gems and Souls. Now that you have Invisibility, go up to a guard and
start beating him up using hand-to-hand combat. When he dies, more
guards will keep spawning. You can just keep beating on them. You can
also find a character that is marked with a crown that will not die, and
only becomes unconscious. Because they do not see you, it is not bad.
Also, they never die, so you can endlessly beat on them until you master
Hand-To-Hand. Your skill increases about every 20 seconds or more,
depending on how high your skill level already is.Go to the
Arena district in the Imperial City. You will see two NPCs (an Argonian
and an Imperial woman) fighting. Stand close to them for a minute. Your
Hand-To-Hand skill will increase by 5. Note: This can only be done once.If you are in the Fighting Guild, you can watch to people training and your blade and block will increase.Easy Armor experience:Lower
the difficulty down to zero. Put on your heavy armor and let a weak
monster such as a rat pummel you. When your health gets low, heal
yourself (this also helps with Restoration). When you get strong enough,
you can try letting a human hit you. You will level up about every ten
to fifty seconds, depending on how many monsters or people are hitting
you.After joining the Blades as part of the main quest, attack
one of the other Blades so that they will attack you. Do not kill them.
Let them attack you without blocking and your armor level will skyrocket
as compared to normal combat. If you can, restore your health with
magic or food. When ready to stop, yield and they will stop attacking.
Go into the west wing and sleep to heal and level. Note: There is a
hefty fine afterwards.Easy Mercantile experience:Join
a guild that has a building, like the Mages or Fighting Guild. Go in
and take as much as you can. Sell it for profit and raise your
Mercantile skill.Easy Restoration experience:To do
this, you must be far enough into the Mages Guild quests so you can make
your own spells. Go there and make a Fortify Health, Fatigue or Magika.
You can make it target or self, but make sure it is only for one
second. Then, repeatedly use it.Press R1 to heal yourself whenever you have Magicka. This heals you and increases your restoration skill.Go
to the Arcane University or Frostcraig Spire and go to a Spellmaking
altar. Create a spell that does “Restore Magicka on self.” No matter
what you put for the magnitude or time, unless you include another
effect to go with it, you will always get more Magicka back than what
you put in. For example, if you restore Magicka 100 points for 1 second
on self, it will cost 90 Magicka, so you get a ten point profit. If you
restore Magicka 100 points for 2 seconds on self, it will cost 181
Magicka, so you get 19 points profit. Only if you use the Construction
Set and create a magnitude of more than what is possible with the
Spellmaking altar will you end up spending more Magicka than you get
back.Easy Sneak experience:A very easy way to
increase your Sneak skill is to find someone who is sleeping. Find a
wall that they are near, then run against the wall while sneaking. As
long as no one can see you, your skill will go increase until the person
wakes. If this happens, wait until night and allow them go back to
sleep.When you have the option to join the Thieves Guild by
meeting Armand Christope at the Imperial Water Front garden around 11
p.m., accept his task. He will offer you the option to buy lockpicks. Do
not buy any. Go into sneak mode and get behind him. Not only will you
get the lockpicks from him, you can also repeatedly pickpocket him to
build up your Sneak skill. He will just tell you to go ahead, and that
he does not need it anyway.Whenever you get in jail, go into sneak mode. Move around for awhile and your Sneak level will rise.After
the assassination of Emperor Uriel Septim (during the opening mission),
leave the Emperor’s body with one of his guards, Baurus. After walking
down the newly revealed “secret” passage, turn around. You should still
be able to see Emperor Septim’s body and part of Baurus. Walk to the
nearest corner (to your left), put yourself in sneak mode, then walk
forward. Your Sneak level will increase quickly from here. If you have a
wired controller, you can keep the Analog-stick held Forward and allow
the game to idle. Check back every fifteen minutes, as the game will
pause as you reach achieve Apprentice, Journeyman, Expert or Master
classifications. If you done correctly, you should be at 100 Sneak
within ninety minutes.Join the Dark Brotherhood. When you
recieve your first quest to kill Rufio, enter his room and go into sneak
mode. Rufio sleeps for 20 hours a day. Walk around in his room to gain
very easy Sneak levels.Complete the Fighting Arena in the
Imperial City and become Grand Champion. Once you collect all your money
from the Bloodworks person, go outside. There will be a kid that runs
up to you and say that he is your biggest fan. He will ask if he can
follow you around. Select “Yes you may follow me around” and he will go
wherever you go. Go to a place away from any guards or people. Crouch
into sneak mode. Select “Pickpocket” on the kid. You will be brought
into his inventory…Press Circle to exit out of his inventory.
Do not steal anything. Repeat this by pressing X to pick pocket and
Circle to exit. You will gain Sneak experience very quickly. He does not
care if you pickpocket him because he is your “biggest fan”.Go
to the Dark Brothers base and find the Rat Schemer. Sneak behind him.
You should get easy Sneak experience if no one is in the room because
Schemer will not notice you. Note: You must be in the Dark Brotherhood
to do this.Go to the Arena. When there, bet on a match and go in
the door. When you are in the door, go to the right and look for a man
on a chair. If he is not there, wait until match is over then go outside
and wait for a day. Then, go back and bet on another match and look for
the man again. If he is there, walk into the corner behind him and
sneak. Keep your character running into the wall you will gain
experience very quickly and be able to be a master in about an hour.Go
to the Imperial City and get sent to jail. Once in jail, get out by
either pickpocketing a guard or by using the Open spell or a lock pick.
Once you are outside the cell, kill the guard then go to the cell next
to yours. There should be a man inside. Crouch and pickpocket him
continuously. Keep doing this until you reach the desired level of
Sneak.Go to the Arena. Go behind and in the corner of Yisabel. Go into sneak mode then walk backwards.An
easy way to increase your Sneak level is to complete the Arena and get
the adoring fan. Take him with you next to a bed, then pickpocket him.
Exit the item screen once he has been pickpocketed, then repeat the
process until a message in the top left corner appears, stating that you
have to rest. Rest, get your level up as an added bonus, then continue.An
easy way to increase your skill in Sneak is during one of the Dark
Brotherhood contracts where you are to assassinate a pirate captain. You
can get the option of hiding yourself in a crate that is just outside
the ship. Hide in a crate and you should soon be inside the ship. Climb
up the ladder to the upper level. You should now be in a small room. You
may now sneak into a wall and gain Sneak experience. Make sure to check
occasionally for the message of an increased mastery level in that
skill.Easy Speech experience:Find a person whom you
do not care about them liking you (preferably a guard). Go into persuade
mode… Rapidly rotate the Left Analog-stick and tap X. It does not
matter what you pick; just rotate and tap. In about five minutes you can
go over level 40 Speech.Easy experience:When you are
doing the arena and are about to fight the Grand Champion, do his side
quest first so that during the fight he does not try. When you are about
to actually fight him, go into game options and set the difficulty to
“Very Hard”. This give everyone you fight more health. When you are
attacking the Grand Champion, you can get a lot more free hits in
without worrying about him trying to fight back. This works even better
if you are using a very weak weapon. It is not about how much damage you
do that increases your levels, but how much you attack.Kholdstare:Your
character must have a major skill of Sneak and either Destruction or
Alteration. If your skills are Sneak and Destruction, gain access to the
Arcane University. Go to the place to make spells. Make a Drain Health
spell and make sure that it is set to “Self”and it only uses 1 Magicka.
Then, go upstairs. Go into Sneak mode and just run into the wall without
stopping. Activate magic repeatedly. You will soon gain levels quickly.
Note: When you activate the magic it will seem as if it is hurting you,
but it is not. If your skills are Sneak and Alteration, go into a room
with a container (for example, cupboard, drawers, etc.). Run into the
container in Sneak mode and use a “open very easy lock”repeatedly on the
container.Michael Perez:Make your character a Dark
Elf with the birthsign Warrior, and create a class with the following
attributes: Athletics, Acrobatics, Blade, Block, Blunt, Heavy Armor, and
Marksman. Next complete the arena to get leveled up. Then, get a horse
and go to the lady in Kvatch. Note: You may have to shut the Oblivion
Gate. Once on your horse, talk to the Orc woman at Kvatch and sell your
most expensive equipped weapon until you have 55,000 gold. Then, join
the Fighters Guild and complete your first mission. Then, go directly
south of Imperial City and find a bridge. Cross the bridge to find a
place called Vindisel. Kill a lady named Umbra and take her armor,
shield, and blade. Next, go to Imperial City and mess with the guards.
Every now and then when you are about to die, run from Imperial City
before the guards kill you, or pay the fine using the gold from Kvatch.
After you level up, go to any Fighters Guild and train your major
skills. Then, attack the Imperial Guards and repeat.Use the
following trick for easy experience in Leyawiin (Blade, Blunt, Hand to
Hand, Destruction, Marksman and Sneak). Go to Leyawiin find Rosentia
Gallenus’ House. She has four Scamps. You can kill them and more will
respawn. Sneak attack with a blade, mace, or hand to hand. Then, use a
bow and cast fire. Note: If you use your bow, the arrows are hard to get
back. Note: If you finish the quest you cannot do this anymore.Go
to Cloud Ruler Temple northwest of Bruma. Walk up the big stairs. You
will see two Blades sparing. Stand close to them for a minute and your
Blade and Block skills will increase by 2. Note: This can only be done
once.Use one of the “Easy money” hints and get at least 500,000
gold. Then find a place (taverns recommended) with two trainers who
train in any two of your major skills. Train with one of them until you
cannot do so anymore. Then, train with the second one until you cannot
anymore. By now you should get the level up icon. Go to sleep and level
up. You can repeat the process until you reach maximum level or max out
the two skills.You must have Conjuration as a major skill. You
will also need Blade, Blunt or Marksman. Summon a monster such as a
Scamp or Skeleton. Kill it with your weapon or shoot it with arrows.
Repeat this for a few minutes and you will get the message to level up.
This may take longer if you already are at a higher level.Easy stealing:Put
on the Gray Fox’s mask. Steal something and wait for the guards to tell
you, “Oh, you are the Gray Fox. I’m going to kill you” (or something
similar. Select “Resist Arrest”. Then, go to your inventory and take off
the mask. Exit the menu, then yield to the guard by holding Block and
pressing X to talk to him at the same time. He should walk away. You
will not have a bounty, and you will still have the stolen item.More Magika:Get
into the Arcane University. Get some decent Soul Gems with decent souls
and enchant something constant effected fortify Magika/Intelligence.
With enchanted items (each roughly 20 points), it is useful. Use the
duplicate item cheat to get many Soul Gems.Infinate recharge:Perform
the “Duplicate items” glitch on a Soul Gem. Pick them all up. When an
item is on low charge you can recharge it back to full without wasting
money on Soul Gems or going through the bother of soul trapping.Perform
the “Duplicate items” glitch on the Aylied Stone that recharges all of
your items. By doing this you can recharge them all at once.Invisibility:Complete
all the Mage Guild Recommendation Quests so that you can enter the
Arcane University. Get five or more Grand Soul Gems and fill them with
Grand Souls. Buy a Chameleon spell such as Shroudwalk from a mage. Go to
the place where you enchant weapons with the following: two rings, one
necklace or amulet, and any two pieces of armor. Enchant the rings,
amulet and armor with the Chameleon effect using the Grand Soul Gems.
You will get 20% Chameleon for each of the equipment, for a total of
100%. Equip them all at once and you will be invisible to everyone. You
can now steal directly from people and attack anything without fear of
retaliation because they cannot see you. Use this to cause mischief
around towns, finish quests or dungeons without getting in battles, or
to defeat an enemy without getting hurt. Note: You must wear all the
pieces at once to be 100% invisible. You can use any other type of
equipment as long as there are at least five pieces and all have been
enchanted using Grand Soul Gems. Some enemies may hit you once, but they
will not do so again.Stat boost:If you complete all
fifteen of the Daedric quests, the final prize is a major stat boost.
You can choose any of the three major skill sets; Combat, Guile, or
Magic. Each gives you a 10 point permanent boost to the related stats
and some of the related skills. It is extremely worth it considering all
the other good items you will get while doing the Daedric quests. You
can activate up to 14 at once if you are at a high enough level. The
final quest requires level 21 , and you must have completed all of the
other Daedric quests.Get a Sigil Stone of your choice and either
an already enchanted item or regular item. Enchant the item with a
Sigil Stone. Then, use the “Duplicate items” glitch on it to get a
permanent stat boost to whatever the item was meant to increase. Repeat
this with the same or different enchantment to continuously get stat
boosts in that category. You can then sell the extra copies for extra
gold. Note: Do not try to duplicate more than 250 copies of an item or
the game will freeze.Nord: Easy kills:If you selected
a Nord as your race, choose The Lover as you star pattern. This makes
it extremely eay to kill someone. First, get them down a bit in health.
Then use The Lover’s star pattern ability to stun them. while they are
stunned, hit them with Nordic Frost. This will kill almost all enemies
and works well as a finisher.Endless health:Use the
“Duplicate items” glitch on a potion of strong health (to get 90
potions). Repeat the duplication to get the desired amount of potions.
Open your inventory and go to the strong potion of health. Press
Triangle to quick link it to one of the Analog-stick directions. When
you are low on health, just tap the quick link direction to use a
potion. When running low on health potions, repeat the duplication
process.Instant kill spell:Turn the difficulty all
the way down. Go to the Skingrad Mages Guild. Seek out Vigge the
Cautious and buy the Weakness to Magicka spell from him. Then, seek out
Druja the Argonian (also in the Skingrad Mages Guild) and buy the Minor
Wound spell from her. Both are novice level spells. Go to a spellmaking
altar, either at the Arcane University or Frostcraig Spire. Create a
spell with the following effects in the following order:Weakness to Magicka 100% in 1ft for 1 sec on target Drain Health 100pts in 1ft for 1 sec on target The
end spell will be an apprentice level spell, and requires less than
fifty points to cast for a level one mage Breton. It is important that
you do these in the correct order, because the effects will be applied
in the order you add them. Done correctly, this spell will first weaken
an enemy to Magicka 100%, so that you drain 200 points of health from
your intended target. It will last only one second, but if you turn the
difficulty all the way down, then no enemy will have more than 200
points of health (not even Xivalias). Once a character’s health reaches
zero for any length of time, they will die. You can take down anything
in one shot with this spell, even Mankar Camoran, who is 20 levels above
you. Unlimited gold:Go to the Talos Plaza District
in the Imperial City. Go to Dorian’s house. Note: If facing the dragon
statue turn left and it is the first house on the left. Go inside the
house and talk to him. He will not like you very much. Bribe him then
use a paralyze spell on him. While he is paralyzed, select him. You will
see the items menu. Select his money, and you can take it repeatedly.
When done, guards will come after you but with a weak fine. If you are
not happy with amount taken, go back and do it again. Repeat as desired.Achievements:ACHIEVEMENT – HOW TO UNLOCKEscaped the Imperial Sewers (50 points) – Escape the Imperial Sewers, Main Quest Beginning.Closed an Oblivion Gate (50 points) – Close an Oblivion Gate, Main Quest.Located the Shrine of Dagon (50 points) – Locate the Shrine of Dagon, Main Quest.Delivered Daedric Artifact (50 points) – Deliver Daedric Artifact, Main Quest.Destroyed the Great Gate (50 points) – Destroy the Great Gate, Main Quest.Champion of Cyrodiil (110 points) – Beat the Main Questline.Murderer, Dark Brotherhood (10 points) – Join the Dark Brotherhood.Slayer, Dark Brotherhood (10 points) – Reach Slayer rank in the Dark Brotherhood.Eliminator, Dark Brotherhood (10 points) – Reach Eliminator rank in the Dark Brotherhood.Assassin, Dark Brotherhood (10 points) – Reach Assassin rank in the Dark Brotherhood.Silencer, Dark Brotherhood (10 points) – Reach Silencer rank in the Dark Brotherhood.Speaker, Dark Brotherhood (10 points) – Reach Speaker rank in the Dark Brotherhood.Listener, Dark Brotherhood (50 points) – Beat the Dark Brotherhood Questline.Pit Dog, Arena (10 points) – Join the Arena in the Imperial City.Brawler, Arena (10 points) – Reach Brawler rank in the Arena .Bloodletter, Arena (10 points) – Reach Bloodletter rank in the Arena.Myrmidon, Arena (10 points) – Reach Myrmidon rank in the Arena.Warrior, Arena (10 points) – Reach Warrior rank in the Arena.Gladiator, Arena (10 points) – Reach Gladiator rank in the Arena.Hero, Arena (10 points) – Reach Hero rank in the Arena.Champion, Arena (10 points) – Reach Champion rank in the Arena.Grand Champion, Arena (50 points) – Beat the Arena Questline.Pickpocket, Thieves Guild (10 points) – Join the Thieves Guild.Footpad, Thieves Guild (10 points) – Reach Footpad rank in the Thieves Guild.Bandit, Thieves Guild (10 points) – Reach Bandit rank in the Thieves Guild.Prowler, Thieves Guild (10 points) – Reach Prowler rank in the Thieves Guild.Cat Burglar, Thieves Guild (10 points) – Reach Cat Burglar rank in the Thieves Guild.Shadowfoot, Thieves Guild (10 points) – Reach Shadowfoot rank in the Thieves Guild.Master Thief, Thieves Guild (10 points) – Reach Master Thief rank in the Thieves Guild.Guildmaster, Thieves Guild (50 points) – Beat the Thieves Guild Questline.Associate, Mages Guild (10 points) – Join the Mages Guild.Apprentice, Mages Guild (10 points) – Reach Apprentice rank in the Mages Guild.Journeyman, Mages Guild (10 points) – Reach Journeyman rank in the Mages Guild.Evoker, Mages Guild (10 points) – Reach Evoker rank in the Mages Guild.Conjurer, Mages Guild (10 points) – Reach Conjurer rank in the Mages Guild.Magician, Mages Guild (10 points) – Reach Magician rank in the Mages Guild.Warlock, Mages Guild (10 points) – Reach Warlock rank in the Mages Guild.Wizard, Mages Guild (10 points) – Reach Wizard rank in the Mages Guild.Master-Wizard, Mages Guild (10 points) – Reach Master-Wizard rank in the Mages Guild.Arch-Mage, Mages Guild (50 points) – Beat the Mages Guild Questline.Associate, Fighters Guild (10 points) – Join the Fighters Guild.Apprentice, Fighters Guild (10 points) – Reach Apprentice rank in the Fighters Guild.Journeyman, Fighters Guild (10 points) – Reach Journeyman rank in the Fighters Guild.Swordsman, Fighters Guild (10 points) – Reach Swordsman rank in the Fighters Guild.Protector, Fighters Guild (10 points) – Reach Protector rank in the Fighters Guild.Defender, Fighters Guild (10 points) – Reach Defender rank in the Fighters Guild.Warder, Fighters Guild (10 points) – Reach Warder rank in the Fighters Guild.Guardian, Fighters Guild (10 points) – Reach Guardian rank in the Fighters Guild.Champion, Fighters Guild (10 points) – Reach Champion rank in the Fighters Guild.Master, Fighters Guild (50 points) – Beat the Fighters Guild Questline.

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