XBOX Game Cheats

XBox 360 – Dead Space 2 Cheats

Category – Xbox Cheats

Level bonuses:
Unlock the following bonuses by reaching the corresponding level online:

Solid Army Green Suit – Level 04
Line Gun – Level 07
Solid Red Suit – Level 08
Force Gun – Level 11
Solid Black Suit – Level 13
Increased Magazine Size (Plasma Cutter) – Level 14
Solid Olive Suit – Level 16
Seeker Rifle – Level 17
Urban Camo Blue Suit – Level 20
Urban Camo Army Green Suit – Level 23
Increased Magazine Size (Line Gun) – Level 25
Urban Camo Red Suit – Level 26
Javelin Gun – Level 28
Increased Magazine Size (Force Gun) – Level 29
Urban Camo Military – Level 32
Increased Magazine Size (Seeker Rifle) – Level 33
Increased Weapon Damage (Plasma Cutter) – Level 34
Urban Camo Olive Suit – Level 36
Tiger Camo Blue Suit – Level 41
Increased Weapon Damage (Line Gun) – Level 42
Increased Magazine Size (Javelin Gun) – Level 44
Tiger Camo Army Green Suit – Level 45
Increased Weapon Damage (Force Gun) – Level 46
Tiger Camo Red Suit – Level 49
Increased Damage (Seeker Rifle) – Level 50
Tiger Camo Military Suit – Level 52
War Torn Suit – Level 56
Increased Weapon Damage (Javelin Gun) – Level 57
Visceral Games Suit – Level 59 Additionally, you can unlock the Solid Viral White Suit or Urban Camo
Viral Yellow Suit by killing a player that is wearing them.

Necromorph upgrades:
Unlock the following Necromorph upgrades by reaching the corresponding levels in your online career:

Lurker Execution Attack Damage Increase – Level 27
Lurker Health Increase – Level 43
Lurker Melee Damage Increase – Level 15
Lurker Range Damage Increase – Level 3
Pack Execution Attack Damage Increase – Level 18
Pack Gets Out of Stasis Faster – Level 48
Pack Health Increase – Level 31
Pack Melee Damage Increase – Level 6
Puker Execution Attack Damage Increase – Level 24
Puker Health Increase – Level 58
Puker Melee Damage Increase – Level 39
Puker Ranged Damage Increase – Level 12
Spitter Execution Damage Increase – Level 9
Spitter Health Increase – Level 53
Spitter Melee Damage Increase – Level 21
Spitter Ranged Damage Increase – Level 35 Infinite Semi-conductors, Nodes, And Money:
In Chapter 15, go to the final room where there is a store and save
point. Then, go back down the corridor and enter the room with the two
power nodes, a Ruby Semiconductor and some other items. Collect all of
the items and return to the save point. Save the game, the reload it. Go
back to the locked Node room and the items will be there again. Collect
them again and repeat this as desired. You can also do this in chapters

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