XBOX Game Cheats

Live Score TrackerXBox 360 Cheats

Category – Xbox Cheats

Achievements:ACHIEVEMENT – HOW TO UNLOCKLog in on a Monday game day (35 points) – Log in on a Monday game day.Log in on a Sunday game day (35 points) – Log in on a Sunday game day.View other team matchup (10 points) – View a league matchup other than your own team’s.Change a setting (35 points) – Change a setting.Log in on a Thursday game day (10 points) – Log in on a Thursday game day.View How To Play screen (5 points) – Select the How To Play screen.View League Standings screen (10 points) – View the League Standings screen.View own team matchup (10 points) – View the league matchup for your team.Switch Matchup to PIP view (5 points) – Switch the Matchup screen to the PIP view.Press START (5 points) – Press Start at the “Press Start” screen.Enter the Pause Menu (35 points) – Enter the Pause Menu.Log in on a Saturday game day (5 points) – Log in on a Saturday game day.

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